TC Rehab (North-Blaine)


TC Rehab (South-Burnsville)

(952) 224-9354

Filson – 1 year old Bracco Italiano


Patient Case: Orthopedic Post-Surgical (Knee surgery for cruciate {ACL} tear. Active antler shed and hunting

Filson 2

dog in training).

Comprehensive Initial Exam: Palpation and goniometric measurement revealed decreased muscle mass and knee range of motion of his surgical limb and overall decrease in conditioning.

Individualized Treatment Plan: Tailored nutrition recommendations were provided along with an at home exercise plan.   In clinic underwater treadmill and land-based exercise therapy were prescribed to augment strengthening.  Manual therapy (spinal manipulation) was provided as needed to improve spinal mobility and provide input to the nervous system.

The Best Outcome: Filson gained muscle, improved his strength and gait, allowing him to return to training -  he is enjoying learning and hunting! 

Boots – 7 year old Basset Hound


Patient Case: Orthopedic non surgical case – Orthosis (Increased difficulty moving around secondary to collapse and instability of his carpus (wrist))

Comprehensive Initial Exam: Palpation revealed discomfort and marked instability of his right carpus (wrist) causing the wrist to collapse during walking which resulted in pain and reduced mobility.

Individualized Treatment Plan: Boots was cast for and fitted with a custom orthosis device to help support his right wrist for improved comfort and body biomechanics in weightbearing.

The Best Outcome: Boots quickly adapted to his new orthosis and is now enjoying being more mobile at home!

Buzz – 3 year old Labrador Retriever


Patient Case:  Field trial competitor. Baseline sporting exam and advice regarding fatigue. Not dealing well with heat and tends to get pretty warm when he works - full on sprinting out, runs out of steam on the way back.  Negative for Exercise Induced Collapse.

Comprehensive Initial Exam:  Palpation and measurements revealed he was overall supple but needed to work on shoulder flexibility. Return to resting heart rate test adequate. Loss of stamina likely due to several factors: heat intolerance (a challenge to dissipate heat even at cooler temps), excitement/drive using up energy reserves before he works, and having more endurance style fitness vs speed training as he does a lot of lower intensity endurance work at home

Individualized Treatment Plan:  High intensity interval and strength training plan with weekly progression, goal of improving metabolite disposal which in turn slows muscle fatigue and helps adaptation to managing heat. Guided with caution to avoid overheating. General plus emergency cooling plan.  Flexibility exercises for shoulders.

The Best Outcome:  “The conditioning program designed for us has been extremely beneficial physically and also mentally. It has provided an additional venue for us to learn to be a team in a very positive way, while at the same time building Buzz's physique…I feel as though we are doing everything we can to proactively prevent injury.”

Harry – 12 year old Labrador/Pointer mix


Patient Case: Orthopedic, chronic, geriatric, OA, pain management (Due to Harry’s health conditions and inability to have surgery, he has undergone medical management for a cranial cruciate (ACL) rupture and multi-joint arthritis)

Comprehensive Initial Exam: Palpation and measurements revealed decreased muscle mass and pain in the affected limb.  He also had secondary arthritis in other joints including his spine.

Individualized Treatment Plan: In clinic cold laser therapy and underwater treadmill therapy was coupled with a home exercise plan to help Harry’s comfort and mobility. 

The Best Outcome: Harry is back to playing and has more energy than he had before his injury! 

Olivia - 4 year old Labrador retriever mix

Patient Case: Neurologic (Running in the woods when she became acutely unable to stand or walk on any of her limbs.)


Olivia Exam

Comprehensive Initial Exam: Palpation revealed good comfort, neurologic testing showed decreased sensation and motor function in all four limbs, the left limbs being significantly more affected. 

Individualized Treatment Plan: Twice weekly hydrotherapy sessions with assisted gait patterning along with daily home exercise to challenge body awareness and build strength. 

The Best Outcome: Olivia is able to ambulate on her own without assistance, with only minor deficit in her gait pattern and stability.  She is able to enjoy walks and time in the yard with the family again!  

Dora Dewdrop - 12 year old French Brittany Spaniel


Patient Case: Weight Management (Increased difficulty rising from rest and performing stairs, decreased stamina on walks and more discomfort in arthritic joints.)

Comprehensive Initial Exam: Palpation revealed discomfort in several joints, inability to stand for very long, and body condition of 7/9 (4-5/9 is normal).

Individualized Treatment Plan: Tailored calorie intake, along with plan for home and in clinic exercise, appropriate pain medication and supplements for joint comfort and health.

The Best Outcome: Dora Dewdrop lost 8 lbs and is able to enjoy her walks and daily activities with improved comfort and stamina!

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Twin Cities Rehab


10:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:30 am - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 8:00 pm


11:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:30 am - 5:00 pm





Twin Cities Rehab

10:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:30 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
11:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm