
Your pet’s individual treatment plan will include a wide range of physical rehabilitation therapies, in-home exercise plans, and recommended products.


This is used primarily for pain relief and nerve regeneration. Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into specific points on a patient to produce a physiologic response. Stimulation of these points can lead to an increase in circulation, decrease in muscle spasm, and modulation of pain.

Hydrotherapy (Underwater Treadmill):

During hydrotherapy treatments the warm water’s buoyancy supports your pet's body weight, which reduces load on joints.  The drag of moving through the water builds strength, and the hydrostatic pressure helps to improve circulation.  We use underwater treadmill therapy to provide low impact strengthening, assist in gait retraining following injury, and provide exercise for patients who may otherwise be unable.  Our rehabilitation team provides one-on-one care for each patient ensuring a safe and effective therapy session.

Therapeutic Exercise / Land Treadmill:

Therapeutic exercise sessions include various forms of targeted exercises with the use of appropriate equipment, tailored to your pet's specific diagnosis and needs. Exercise improves strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and can slow progression of disease, leading to an enhancement in mobility and better quality of life for your pet. In addition, patients will receive customized therapeutic exercises that can be done at home.

​Therapeutic Laser:

Cold laser therapy uses light energy to stimulate tissue repair and provide pain management. The laser uses focused light of various wavelengths to stimulate tissue at and below the surface of your pet's skin while reducing swelling and nerve signaling of pain.

Therapeutic Ultrasound:

Ultrasound uses sound waves to create heat (thermal effects) and vibration (non-thermal effects). This can be an effective treatment for many different issues including muscle tears, sprains, strains, muscle spasm or contracture, tendon calcification, and other injuries. This treatment not only relaxes the muscle but helps to decrease scar tissue, inflammation, pain, and muscle spasm. At the same time, it increases collagen order and circulation as well as enzyme activity. Therapeutic ultrasound is an effective tool to aid in the facilitation of healing.

Manual Therapy / Joint Mobilization / Range of Motion / VSMT:

Manual therapy includes a variety of techniques, including passive range of motion (PROM), joint mobilization, and veterinary spinal manipulation (equivalent to chiropractic). Manual therapies improve movement of joints and soft tissues and can provide significant pain relief.

Shockwave Therapy:

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive treatment in which the application of short, intense sound waves to a specific site stimulates healing in a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. It is used for the treatment of arthritis, tendon injuries, ligament damage, scar tissue, non-healing fractures or wounds, and other musculoskeletal injuries.

​Electric Stimulation (E-Stim):

NMES (NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation) causes muscle contraction, beneficial for a variety of conditions such as disuse muscle atrophy, paresis and paralysis, acute and chronic orthopedic and neuromuscular injuries, recovery from surgery, and pain. TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is used for pain relief. It sends electrical impulses that distract the brain from the pain signal (Gate Control Theory) and stimulates endorphin relief.

Therapeutic Massage:

Massage is manual manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques. Physiological benefits of massage include pain relief, improved joint mobility, relaxation, and increased circulation.

Regenerative Medicine:

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PrP) therapy offers a promising solution to accelerate healing of tendon injuries and osteoarthritis naturally without subjecting the patient to significant risk. It promotes anti-inflammatory effects, pain reduction, and simultaneously stimulates repair.

Prosthetics, Assistive Devices & Products

Orthotics, Prosthetics and Assistive Devices

We offer a large selection of braces, carts, and prosthetic devices along with the expertise to ensure they are fitted and measured to support your pet safely and effectively. These devices are used to support an injured limb while it heals, to correct a deformity, or to encourage correct limb use.


We offer a specific range of recommended innovative pharmaceuticals to support your pet's treatment plan.  We take great care in selecting only the best products for you pet's wellbeing.  


As part of your pet’s treatment, we may recommend innovative supplements.  We take great care in understanding the impact these supplements will have on the success of your pet’s treatment plan and overall health.     

Our Clinic

Clinic Hours

Twin Cities Rehab


10:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:30 am - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 8:00 pm


11:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:30 am - 5:00 pm





Twin Cities Rehab

10:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:30 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
11:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm